Friday, February 20, 2009

Amazingness all Around!

Well I sure have been lazy about keeping up with this journal...I do not know why! I know that I want to log all of my adventures and activities, but I am just so busy running around seeing/doing this and that when I have a spare moment or two I don't even think to update this baby!

Anyway, the last few weeks have been amazing. First far I have four trips planned: Berlin, Paris, Vienna, and Barcelona! I am SO excited to finally start adventures outside of the Netherlands! We go to Berlin in 2 weeks, and Andy & his friend from Vienna are coming and meeting us there! I cannot wait to go on a bike tour of the city, explore museums, and party at night =] Next, my wonderful sister is coming for TWO WEEKS in March and we're going to Paris for one of the weekends- can you imagine! Then, Vienna at the beginning of May, and Barcelona in April. These, however, are only 4 of my Top 10 travel locations, so I still have much traveling to plan! The other places I want to/am going to go include Belgium, Hungary, Italy, Greece, Czech Repub and England!

OKAY so as I said the last few weeks have been so amazinggg...some friends and I have made the tradition to go to the Pancake Bakery for brunch (because bfast before noon on Friday mornings are IMPOSSIBLE! ha!). This place serves ridiculous sized omlets and crepe like pancakes. yum!
Last week after the Pcake Bakery, Darren and I went to the Anne Frank House. it was spectacular. It was so perfect because I had literally finished the book two days before- which I vowed to do before going to the museum. This experience was truly amazing: walking through the house where Anne herself lived for 24 months. It was very moving also. Anyway, besides that I went on a day trip to the Hague, which is the Netherlands government building about a 45 minute metro ride from Amsterdam. I went with Jeremy and Justin, and we explored the area, found a Muslim market- interesting- and saw THE GIRL WITH THE PEARL EARRING live!!! It is at the Maurishuis museum and it was beautiful! I got a poster too!

Which reminds me...I have decorated my room a little bit! I have that poster on the bac of my door and then this pretty tapestry I got at the flea market hanging on one wall. i also have pictures posted everywhere, so its quite homey. =]

Let's see...
So Katie Mckitt is coming to visit me in March before my sis comes, which is SO exciting. And then my sis will be here for two that will simply be an amazing three weeks! I have also been talking to my parents about when they should come/if i should extend my trip and have them just come meet me after to travel we shall see!

I dont have much more to tell about now, besides these Friday afternoons of just hanging out, catching up on work, and being lazy are AMAZING after going out every night during the week. ha! See, it's not that I am totally crazy, but with all the fun activities it's hard not to go out all the time! For instance, every Tuesday night ISN (international student network) has a borrel (party) for us at da Hefer (the heffer). this is like a bar/club ish type place. its really fun...our group usually meets up way before hand to hangout, then goes to the heffer, then goes to other random fun places! Then, on Wednesday nights it is 1 euro beers at this bar we call Jupiter (yes, I RECENTLY realized that was 1. not the name of the bar and 2. that it is the name of the beer featured there, actually called Jupiler!). So we all make the 20 minute or so bike ride journey over to the containers aka Stravanderveg (sp?) OH but this is exciting- 2 weeks ago when we biked over there IT WAS SNOWING!!! this was my first time in real, free falling snow! whoa it was sooo amazing i didnt even care that my fingers were numb and the mascara was streaming down my cheeks! side note- another thing, it is SO cold sometimes that when i am biking i start crying! just because of the cold air in my face! bet that makes you shiver!

ok well besides that, nothing else new (haha). tonight we are going to this club "club house" which has 2 floors, one with house and one with techno music (my fantasy basically).

OH! and last night i went to the ballet! it was spectacular! i mean, it was kinda boring and the story line wasnt too exciting, but it was a great experience to go! except by the time it was over, at like 11pm i was starving because i had class 3-6 and 6-8 so i never had din! whoops! anyway, classes are really great too. Dutch is HARD but im glad i am taking it, my contemp dutch social policy is kinda bullshit, but okay, and my other 2 basically mesh together to be a repeat of Comm 206 from usc...but oh well.

anyway, gotta get dinner going and get ready for the night...yea thats right...i COOK NOW! hahaha future roomies get excited...

love you all!


  1. you better learn how to cook well so you dont kill me. .. thanks

  2. my eyes dont water from being cold... only from sweating... beat that haha
