Thursday, January 22, 2009

2 more days!

Well it has been an amazing two weeks since Maui.

In these 14 days I was able to catch up with friends and enjoy USC's PreRush, as well as see my sister and spend some good quality time with my parents. Last Tuesday I went to Les Deux with Nicole and then spend the next 2 nights at USC with Brittany & Andrea. It was so fun! Going out for PreRush and seeing a bunch of my guy friends was so fun. Then on Friday I headed to UCLA to see Lassie and spend the afternoon, evening, and night with her. Then I took her to Erica's since they were going to Santa Barbra, and headed home because I had plans to go to this girl Sarah's birthday party with Jacqueline!

Jacqueline picked me up at Erika's house and we went to Sarah's in Irvine. Her birthday party was fun & mellow, and we ended up having to go all the way back to Anaheim for the night because my parents locked me out of the house! (thanks guys!)

Anyway, the rest of the days have been nice. Mom, Dad & I have been enjoying Restaurant Week in Newport. That's when a bunch of restaurants have a preset menu for lunch and dinner: appetizer, entrees, and a dessert for a certain price. Now it is already Thursday night, and I can barely believe it. I really am truly getting excited though. Within the last few days, I have finished up my packing, receiving my dorm assignment and my class schedule. I have also received my class schedule, four courses: Contemporary Dutch Social Policy, Representing Identity in Film and Literature, Introduction of Conflict Studies, and Ethnic Diversity and Popular Culture. I have 2 classes and a seminar on Monday, one class on Tues, Wed, Thurs, and no class on Friday! This is perfect and will be great for weekend travel.

So tomorrow M&D and I are going up to UCLA to visit Lassie for lunch and go to the Weisman Art Foundation. Then, tomorrow is my last real night (because I am not going to go out the night before my flight when I have to get up at like 5 am!) and then Saturday is my last real day! Oh my!

Well my schedule for the start of my adventure: Sunday I am taking a flight at 8:53 AM from LAX to Chicago. Then in Chicago, I am meeting up with this girl Beth who is going on the program through Annenberg, too, and we will be taking the connecting flight together to Amsterdam! We arrive in Amsterdam Monday morning at 9:10 AM. Beth and I will then take a cab to the hotel we are staying at with two other girls, one of which will be there waiting for us while the other arrives at like, 11:30 AM. Then I am sure we will all stash our luggage and get some lunch ish and explore! I am SO excited. Then, Monday night the four of us will go out to dinner with four of the other Annenberg students who came in early, too! WOW so fun. I will definitely keep everyone posted on how the first few days go. So we arrive the 26th and orientation is on the 28th so we have 2 days to figure everything out.

Until my descriptions become a reality...

Tot ziens!

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